The Importance of Protein for Weight Loss

Lean protein plays an important role in weight loss. It’s an essential part of many popular diets because it offers a variety of benefits. A protein-rich diet can result in pounds lost and a better-looking body that works more efficiently. It's a favorite among every nutrition coach and weight loss specialist for the reasons below.

It’s Filling

One of the best things about lean protein is that it fills you up and curbs cravings. When you eat it, it impacts the hormones in your body that control hunger. It decreases ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates your appetite, and boosts production of leptin, a hormone composed by fat cells that reduces hunger. Lean protein also promotes healthy digestion by slowing it down—this is why you can feel full for hours after eating it.

Increases Calories Burned

Digesting food actually burns calories. The thermic effect of food is a measurement of how many calories it takes to digest a particular food item. Since lean protein takes...

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5 Tips for Reducing Belly Fat

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2023

Belly fat can be one of the hardest areas to eliminate—but if you develop healthy eating habits and exercise regularly, you can change this area and improve your overall health. Below are some nutrition coach-approved strategies for reducing fat and losing weight, which will lead to a reduction in that stubborn fat in the abdominal cavity.

1. Load Up on Lean Protein

When you’re striving for better health through nutrition, it’s essential to consume lean protein—even more so when you’re trying to lose stubborn belly fat. This important macronutrient reduces cravings, fills you up longer and builds lean muscle mass which in turn boosts your metabolism. Much research has shown that eating lean protein is inversely linked to belly fat.

2. Increase the Duration of Workouts

While high-intensity workouts are getting a lot of attention, several obesity studies have shown that continuous, steady exercise may be more effective for losing fat. See what works best...

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The Benefits of Healthy Fats

Healthy fats can be a game changer for your diet and lifestyle—especially if you’re doing following a low-carb meal plan. This category of fat, which includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, positively impacts anti-aging, beauty and weight loss efforts while improving your overall health.

Here are a few of the benefits that healthy fats have on your body.

Weight Loss

Adding healthy fats to your diet bolsters weight loss efforts in several ways. They provide fuel for both your brain and body, while burning more calories in the process. This is because healthy fats digest more slowly than other nutrients. Healthy fats also satiate hunger pangs and make you feel more satisfied after meals. You’ll be less likely to overeat and snack on those empty calories that ultimately cause weight gain.

Remember This: Through the hormone insulin, carbs lead to the absorption and accumulation of fat. To enjoy the benefits of a low carb diet (by eating more fat), you have...

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3 Tips for Preparing Healthy Meals

One of the best ways to eat healthy and stay on track with efforts to lose weight and get healthy is to prepare food at home. Whether you want to make all your meals at home, pack lunches to take to work or just prep a few meals per week, the following tips from our nutrition mindset coach will help you prepare your meals in the healthiest way possible.

1. Season Creatively

Too many times, we reach for the salt when we could add zest to our meals with spices and seasonings that provide health benefits. Research shows that Americans consume much more than the maximum FDA-recommended amount for sodium, which is 2,300 milligrams per day. Too much sodium causes bloating and wide-ranging health issues. Why not swap out the salt for some healthy spices and seasonings? Many herbs and spices boost the metabolism and yield antioxidant benefits, such as ginger, garlic, oregano, basic, rosemary, cumin, cayenne pepper, red pepper, sage, turmeric, cinnamon, and parsley, among many others. When...

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4 Strategies for Keeping Your New Yearโ€™s Resolutions

Losing weight and getting in shape are two of the most popular resolutions people make every year. Whether it’s motivated by holiday weight gain or a “New Year, New You” mentality, these are great choices for improving your overall health. However, studies show that, on average, many Americans lose their stride and give up their resolutions by the third week of January. To avoid this, we’re sharing some strategies from our nutrition coach’s arsenal to help you stay on track with health and wellness goals in 2023.

1. Choose Reasonable Goals That You Can Tailor

Instead of choosing a broad goal like “lose weight” or one that’s too extreme, design smaller action steps that will lead you to your ultimate goal. Your “resolutions” or goals can be small, actionable objectives that you build on over time. Make it about creating new healthy habits over the long term rather than quitting something that will feel extreme and difficult...

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How Sleep Affects Hunger

sleep Dec 16, 2022

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. A good night’s sleep repairs cellular damage, improves mental focus, boosts immunity and helps facilitate weight loss. Together with diet and exercise, sleep provides the foundation of your long-term health and wellness—it can prevent heart disease, promote healing and prevent excess weight gain. Every good weight loss specialist will tell you that sleep is critical to achieving long-term results.

Just like diet affects quality of sleep, how much you sleep impacts your diet.

Sleep-Deprivation Stimulates Appetite

When you’re not getting adequate sleep, you’re more likely to overeat and snack. This is because sleep affects two critical hormones that regulate hunger: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin, which is produced by cells within the digestive tract, signals the brain that you’re hungry, increases consumption and promotes fat storage. Leptin, often...

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6 Strategies for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Uncategorized Dec 14, 2022

Whether you’re working with a nutrition coach or dieting on your own, the holidays can be a challenging time of year. Holiday meals and parties offer lots of temptation in the form of sugar-laden treats, alcohol and heavy meals. The good news is, with a little bit of forethought and willpower, you can enjoy your holidays without sacrifice and still stay on track with your weight loss.

Here are 6 strategies for keeping holiday weight gain at bay.

1. Load Up on Lean Protein

Eat lean protein-rich meals every day to keep you fuller longer and help build muscle mass. This is important for weight loss because the greater our body’s muscle mass, the more calories we burn on a daily basis.

2. Don’t Bank Calories

Many dieters get in the habit of skipping meals to “save up” the calories for events and holiday parties by skipping meals. This is a bad practice and not one I recommend as a nutrition coach and weight loss specialist—it slows down your ...

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How to Overcome a Plateau

Uncategorized Dec 07, 2022

Weight loss is all about the journey. There are times when the pounds come off a little faster in the beginning, and then progress stalls. This frustrating obstacle is the dreaded weight loss plateau—a time when the pounds no longer melt away even though you’re dieting and exercising. As a weight loss coach, it’s a common issue clients complain to me about. It’s actually a normal part of the process because, as you lose weight, you’re also shedding lean muscle. When lean muscle mass deceases, your metabolism slows down.

While plateaus are frustrating and seem difficult to break through, don’t get discouraged. There are several strategies to help you break through and start seeing results again.

Reduce Carb Intake

Decreasing carb consumption can help you overcome a plateau. Low-carb diets often help control hunger, promote satiety and boost the production of ketones, which have been shown to decrease appetite. As a result, you’ll eat less...

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5 Ways to Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become a go-to for losing weight, breaking through weight loss plateaus and boosting overall health. It’s different than a diet—it’s a pattern of eating. Intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat; it changes how and when you eat. This makes it an excellent complement to actual diets.

Intermittent fasting offers many benefits. It helps banish belly fat, improves body composition and promotes cellular repair, while reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Intermittent fasting can also reduce insulin resistance, which decreases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Some early research in rats shows that intermittent fasting, through caloric restriction, may even extend lifespan.

Intermittent fasting is basically an extension of the “fasting” period that takes place when we sleep. It’s easy to implement and modify for almost any lifestyle. Its popularity has prompted the development of several...

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7 Tips for Avoiding Thanksgiving Weight Gain

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2022

Thanksgiving is around the corner—and along with it, loads of temptation. Research shows that, on average, Americans eat somewhere between 3000 and 4500 calories during Thanksgiving dinner. That’s more than a pound! The bad news is, this kind of overindulgence wreaks havoc on your metabolism and can set the stage for weight gain during the holiday season. When you spend so much time and effort to exercise, follow a healthy diet and work with a nutrition mindset coach, it doesn’t make sense to blow it all on Thanksgiving.

The good news is, you don’t have to derail your efforts this holiday. Follow these strategies to keep your waistline in check while still enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend.

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Proper hydration will keep energy levels high, while helping to regulate blood sugar levels and keep cravings in check. Often times, we mistake thirst for hunger—if you’re drinking enough water, you won’t have to worry about...

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