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5 Foods That Rev Your Metabolism

Uncategorized Oct 13, 2023

Whether you’re following a diet or trying to maintain the results you’ve already attained, eating the right foods can make the difference in your efforts. Luckily, much research shows that certain foods can help burn fat, boost your metabolism and use calories as they are digested. Here are a few that will help transform your body and the way it works.

1. Lemons

Citrus such as lemons that are rich in vitamin C will help you metabolize fat faster and burn more calories overall. Lemons also alkalize your body and boost immunity, while working to slow down the digestion of starches and helping to regulate blood sugar levels. Squeeze some into your water and tea, put slices in your salad and add to your favorite recipes.

2. Grapefruit

One eight ounce serving of grapefruit offers more than 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Research conducted by both Scripps Clinic and Vanderbilt University showed that there is a unique chemical reaction tied to grapefruit consumption that helps to reduce insulin levels and boost weight loss efforts. In addition, grapefruit is an excellent source of folate and thiamine, which plays a major role in the metabolism of glucose.

3. Berries

Packed with fiber and beneficial antioxidants, berries are ideal for weight management because they satisfy a sweet tooth and fill you up. The darker the berry, the more loaded with antioxidants—but they’re all good for you. Choose from blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries for the highest fiber content.

5. Fish

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish such as tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines will fill you up and yield a bevy of health benefits. Their healthy fat content has been shown to affect levels of the hormone leptin, which has a direct impact on metabolism, and boost the amount of fat burning enzymes in the body.

5. Protein

This category is essential for weight loss, as protein helps us maintain and increase lean muscle mass as we diet, which helps keep your metabolism revved—all necessary for you to transform your body. Some excellent choices include lean poultry, grass-fed beef and eggs. Good protein options for vegetarians include quinoa, lentils, beans, chia seeds, tempeh, edamame and tofu.



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