5 Summer Weight Loss Tips

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2024

Summer is literally around the corner, and if you’re like many Americans, you probably want to drop a few pounds or more so that you can enjoy all the activities and events that go along with the season. Whether you’re working with a transformational nutrition and fitness coach or on your own, it helps to have an arsenal of tips for making the entire process easier and more effective.

Read on for five stellar tips to help you overcome any weight loss hurdles standing in your way.

1. Start With a High Protein Meal

Whether you’re intermittent fasting or love having breakfast, that first meal is the most important one of the day since you’re ending that overnight fast and jumpstarting your body. Rev that metabolic engine with a high protein meal, such as a veggie omelet or a healthy shake to repair your muscles and give you energy.

2. Cut Out Problematic Foods

If you’re not certain which foods may be slowing down your weight loss results, try cutting back on or eliminating those that are suspect. Many of my clients see a difference when cutting down on dairy, gluten, simple carbs and processed foods. Assess your diet and try to identify what may be hindering your weight loss process. Then cut that food group out for two to three weeks and see what kind of impact the elimination has.

3. Slash Sugar Consumption

One of the quickest and healthiest ways to see results is to cut down your sugar intake. Simply cutting out all refined sugars can have a huge effect on your weight. Make sure to cut out the sodas, sugar-laden juices and other sugary culprits like baked goods.

4. Get Spicy

Much research shows that spices can boost your metabolism and overall health. Add spices ranging from cinnamon and ginger to cayenne pepper, garlic and parsley to your meals for an extra fat-burning boost and an antioxidant kick.

5. Moving

This one is a no-brainer: move as much as you can during your day! Take walks and increase physical activity whenever you can, like taking the stairs, parking at the end of the parking lot, or doing short bursts of exercise to break up your day. Incorporate both cardio and strength resistance training into your week, preferably with some high-intensity intervals for best results. Squeeze in some extra physical activity in other ways—walk to lunch or cycle to your errands so you can enjoy the great outdoors while burning a few additional calories.

For more great tips to create a healthier lifestyle, consider working with a transformational nutrition and fitness coach.  


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