5 Mindset Shifts to Uplevel Your Workouts

Workout success isn't just about having the right trainer, going to the coolest gym or achieving minor gains–it’s about the right mindset. Our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes can make or break our fitness routine and seriously impact our overall health. As a transformational nutrition coach, I work with clients to shift their mindset to uplevel their diets and workouts, and achieve optimal results. 

Here are five mindset shifts that can help you change your approach to exercise and uplevel your workouts. 

1. Positive Attitude

Approach every workout with a positive attitude. Know that you’re doing healthy things for your body and promoting longevity. Strive to do a little more each day with the understanding that you’re getting better at exercising with each workout and taking steps towards a healthier life. Even on the days you don’t feel your best, show up with what you have with the understanding that you’re still making progress towards your fitness goals.

2. Fall in Love With the Process

Yes, we all love awesome results, but you also need to love the process. That’s right–you have to learn to love exercise and the way it makes you feel. Many people choose to hate the process, which is a huge mistake. Stop focusing on the pain or wanting to be somewhere else—instead, look at it as an opportunity to slow down, be mindful, and escape outside responsibilities for a couple hours. Embrace the process and use the time to be present–and then enjoy that surge of endorphins afterwards. Celebrate those victories too! You may even consider setting rewards for yourself, like a new outfit or a spa day.

3. Go After It

Focus on your goals and go after them with everything you have! Channel emotions or stress into your workouts and take them seriously. Put the phone away when you exercise and be present! Concentrate on each rep, thinking about the muscle you’re using, and try to activate the mind/body connection as you move.

4. Don’t Get Complacent

Avoid complacency–it’s critical to always increasing the weight, reps, intensity, and duration of your workouts. When our bodies get used to certain workouts, we stop seeing improvement. Set your next goal and take steps to achieve it.

5. Believe in Yourself

It’s essential to have faith in yourself. Don’t limit yourself or let others impose their beliefs upon you. Our bodies are only limited by our minds! Set goals, meet them, and set them again, all with the understanding that you did it once and you can do it again.

Transforming your body–and your workout–begins with your mindset. If you follow the tips above, you’ll achieve results and improve your health. For more help shifting your mindset, consider hiring a transformational nutrition coach to make your nutrition and fitness journey easier and even more rewarding.


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