5 Killer Weight Loss Workouts

As a nutrition and mindset coach, many clients ask me which are the best exercises for optimizing diet efforts, especially this time of year. While eating right is your first priority, working out can significantly expedite your results and boost your overall health. The best types of physical activity combine both cardiovascular and resistance training, as you’ll burn calories while building the lean muscle you need to rev your metabolism and increase your daily burn.

Here are five different workouts that are excellent supplements to any diet or weight management program. NOTE: Make sure to check with your physician to make sure you are in good enough health before you begin any exercise program.

1. Bicycling 

Whether you take spin class or like to cycle outside, this sport is a serious calorie burner, torching up to 500 to 1000 calories per hour, depending on how fast you go. Cycling decreases fat levels and improves cardiovascular fitness, while increasing muscle strength and flexibility, strengthening bones, and improving joint mobility. It also boosts your mood by reducing stress levels and increasing the delivery of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the brain.

2. Running

Running and jogging are serious calorie burners, and when you run outside, you enjoy some serious piece of mind as well. You can typically burn between 500 and 550 calories per hour of running.

3. Brisk Walking

One of the easiest but most relaxing modes of exercise, brisk walking can torch up to 360 calories per hour. It will tone your legs, glutes, core and hips. Studies show that walking a minimum of 30 minutes every day boosts cardiovascular fitness, strengthens bones, helps shed body fat, and increases endurance. It can also reduce your risk of chronic illnesses and disease, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and even some forms of cancer.

4. Boxing

Have you ever noticed how lean boxers are? It’s one of the most intense cardiovascular and toning workouts you can find. Try kickboxing too for the same type of intense workout. Both sports seriously reduce stress and release endorphins to make you feel happy and empowered after a workout

5. Elliptical Machine

This is an excellent training machine, as it helps you build strong, powerful muscles while providing overall toning. If your gym doesn’t have elliptical machines, hit the most difficult Stairmaster you can find—the one with rotating stairs you actually have to climb.

Exercise is an excellent complement to a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle. It will boost your mood, burn calories, and increase longevity. Consider working with a nutrition and mindset coach like me to find ways to optimize your weight, lifestyle, and overall health.


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